Cost Assistance and Death Benefits in Alberta and Canada

There are a number of programs in Alberta and Canada which may offer financial assistance. Please see the related links below for more information

Canada Pension Plan – Survivor & Death Benefits
The Canada Pension Plan, Income Security Programs provides the contributor both survivor benefits and a lump sum death benefit.

Crime Victim Assistance Program
Support if you've experienced physical or emotional harm, property damage or economic loss as a result of a crime.

Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation
The Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation may pay funeral service costs for persons who die in B.C. if there are no immediate sources of funds or assets available to meet those costs.

National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
The overall co-ordination of funeral and burial arrangements of currently serving members on paid service, in accordance with the wishes of the executor or personal representative named in the Will, and consistent with current regulations and orders, is usually the responsibility of the unit. Assistance may be available for funeral and burial costs as well as next of kin travel arrangements.

Last Post Fund / Veteran Affairs Canada
The Last Post Fund delivers the Veterans Affairs Canada Funeral & Burial Program which offers assistance with funeral, burial and grave marking for Veterans who meet the financial and service criteria. All Veterans who served in the Cdn military (WW2, Korea, Regular and Reserve Forces) are now service eligible. Allied Veterans who served with the Allied Forces during WW2 or the Korean War and lived in Canada for at least 10 years, and was living in Canada at time of death are service eligible. To qualify financially for assistance, a means-test or evaluation of net assets of the estate must be declared. Contact the Last Post Fund at their Toll Free number: (800) 465-7113.

Work Related Fatality and Survior Benefits
Workers' Compensation Board - Alberta provides information that may be helpful following a work-related death.

If you would like more information on our affordable cremation services, we're only a phone call: 780-539-2383 or e-mail: away.



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