
Anna Jane Toderian
(Maiden: Myette)

of Rycroft, Alberta
February 29, 1948 - May 18, 2022

Dear Lawrence and family: We are so sorry for your loss of wife/mother.There’s no words to express your loss. We were happy to share many great memories on our family camping trips.Anna will be missed .Sending prayers and hugs to all. Love Ruth and Marcel and family.
posted by Ruth &Marcel Bouvier : Anna was my cousin, Her dad Hector and my father William we’re brothers. : May 29, 2022


Dear Lawrence and family, I want to send my sincerest condolences on the loss of Anna. She and I met one warm morning in Kuwait as I happily cooked up some smuggled bacon in my apartment with the balcony doors wide open. I thought I could hear a faint voice from 5 stories below saying “hello….Hello”….. and so I stepped outside and there she was, a woman walking her dog who looked up at me and said “ooooh, is that YOU frying bacon?” I invited her in for a chat and some crispy bacon and that was that. She was a wonderful friend and I know your loss is great and for this I am truly sorry. May God Bless Sandra
posted by Sandra MacCoul : We met while living in the same building in Kuwait in 1999/2000. : May 29, 2022


The biggest huggs to the family.
posted by susan myette-rath : It was great pleasure getting to know Anna more when we where doing the family's history. Anna will always be in my thoughts has a very caring, loving soul, Anna will be miss by all who had the pleasure of crossing paths with her. This is not Good-bye but until we meet again, my dear cousin. : May 29, 2022





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